Bergen County Liposuction News: Top Five Medical Reasons to Consider Weight Loss Using Liposuction

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

We’d like to share with our Bergen County Liposuction patients a recent article from Baylor Health Systems listing the top five medical reasons to consider weight loss with the help of surgical intervention.


While this may mean gastric bypass surgery for some people, our Bergen County Liposuction patients often experience similar benefits as those listed in the article.

Specifically, the top five medical reasons to consider weight loss through surgical means according to Baylor Health System are as follows:

  • Reversal of Type 2 diabetes—“Published in the March 2009 issue of The American Journal of Medicine, a study revealed that 82 percent of patients who had weight-loss surgery reversed their diabetes in less than two years, and 62 percent remained diabetes free two years following surgery.”
  • Improved fertility- “Although most obese women are not infertile, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine,ovulatory functions and pregnancy rates frequently improve significantly after weight loss in obese women.”


  • Improvement or elimination of hypertension– A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2004 stated that hypertension was eliminated in 61.7 percent of weight-loss surgery patients and significantly improved in 78.5 percent of patients.
  • Easing of joint pain- “Weight-loss surgery can ease the pain caused by the stress of extra weight on joints; a 2004 study showed the number of painful joints and other painful areas reported by the obese adults in the study was cut in half six to 12 months after weight-loss surgery. Plus, researchers in Austria have found that weight-loss surgery can help resolve the chronic inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.”
  • Increased longevity – “Studies at the University of Alabama in Birmingham and at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands conclude that obesity can cut a person’s life span by up to 20 years. Researchers with the Pennington Biomedical Research Center have found that weight-loss surgery for severely obese patients appears to decrease overall mortality.”

For further information on Bergen County liposuction or to find out how liposuction may improve your overall health, please call (210) 967- 1212 to set up a consultation with the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery.

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