Category Archives: Rapid Recovery

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

The Real Cost of Breast Augmentation: When the Least Expensive New Jersey Breast Augmentation Becomes the Most Expensive

Money is always a factor when purchasing big ticket items, and cosmetic surgery is no exception. Patients need to understand the different between cost and price. If you go with the cheapest price, you could put yourself at risk for higher costs in the long term. Complication rates, longer recovery time, unsatisfactory results are just …

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

New Jersey Plastic Surgery News: The Power of the Internet Connects U.S. Soldier Stationed in Great Britain with Dr. Parker for Lipoabdominoplasty

Lipoabdominoplasty is a fairly new procedure and New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul M. Parker is one of the few surgeons in the region who perform it. It is the innovative approach and quick recovery that makes this procedure so attractive to Dr. Parker’s patients who started out seeking a traditional tummy tuck. One patient, …

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

New Jersey Plastic Surgery News: Superior VASER Technology at The Parker Center Simplifies New Jersey Breast Reduction for Men

New Jersey breast reduction for men is one of the top 5 cosmetic procedures performed for men at the Parker Center. The condition of enlarged breasts in men is called gynecomastia. Because of the feminine appearance of the breasts, this is a very embarrassing and socially debilitating condition particularly because it presents itself as a …
