Dr. Jeffrey Donaldson Tells Women They Have Options for Inverted Nipple Repair

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Inverted nipples are relatively common and can be both embarrassing and unsightly. They are caused by shortened or scarred breast tissue ducts that pull the nipple inward. The condition may arise from birth or external trauma, and most women don’t know about the possible treatment options. With inverted nipple surgery, Columbus Ohio‘s Dr. Jeffrey Donaldson, provides a simple and virtually painless correction.

Over the past half-century, many operations have been described for inverted nipples with varying success. Dr. Jeffery Donaldson has developed a minimally invasive technique that is quick and effective with less downtime. For inverted nipple surgery, Columbus, Ohio surgeon Dr. Donaldson, uses a microscopic scalpel that is usually reserved for delicate eye procedures. One side of the nipple is entered, and the underlying ducts are released so the nipple can return to a more anatomic position. A supportive stitch is then placed and the procedure is concluded. The results are instant and dramatic, and patients are typically thrilled!

Inverted nipples can be also be treated during other breast procedures, such as breast augmentation or lifting – just ask your surgeon to help create a plan that is customized to your needs and goals.

Dr. Donaldson is a board certified plastic surgeon with offices in Columbus, OH.

Donaldson Plastic Surgery4661 Sawmill RoadColumbus, OH 43220(614-442-7610) ‎

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