How To Sleep After a Mommy Makeover: New Jersey’s Most Popular Mommy Makeover Questions Answered

Young woman sleeping peacefully in her bed (MODEL)

A mommy makeover is a life-changing set of surgical procedures performed simultaneously to help you restore your pre-pregnancy body and regain your confidence. As rewarding as its results are, the recovery process requires realistic expectations, careful planning, and patience. That’s why we consider it essential to educate you on what to expect before, during, and after your mommy makeover. This includes answering common questions like how to sleep after a mommy makeover and how New Jersey women can manage driving, exercising, and other daily activities.

At the Parker Center, all of our patients spend one hour with one of our nurse educators one to two weeks before surgery for a pre-op education session. During that visit, our educator will give you a PowerPoint presentation and discuss the particulars of recovery after a Parker Tummy Tuck. Below, we will address some of New Jersey women’s most common mommy makeover questions to help you embark on your procedure and plan your recovery with clarity and confidence. Let’s dig in!

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How do you sleep after a mommy makeover?

The safest sleeping position following a typical mommy makeover is on your back with pillows under your knees and your upper body elevated. This posture safeguards your incisions, reduces swelling, and enhances blood circulation, aiding proper healing. Many patients discover that resting in a recliner works best during the first week or two. After two weeks, you can progressively transition to sleeping flat or on your side in a semi-fetal position with your knees flexed.

How long after a mommy makeover can I have intercourse?

While most patients can resume intimacy after about 4 to 6 weeks, this answer varies based on each patient and the combination of procedures performed. This waiting period is a necessary part of the recovery timeline to ensure that your incisions heal correctly and to reduce the risk of infection and other complications.

How long after a mommy makeover can I drive?

I will likely clear you to drive about 1 to 2 weeks after your surgery as long as you’re no longer taking prescription pain medications. Before you make the decision to drive, it’s essential to make sure you can sit comfortably, exercise the range of motion necessary to check your blind spots, and react quickly if need be. If you’re unsure, call a friend (or Uber) for a ride, as it’s best to wait a bit longer to get behind the wheel to avoid putting yourself or others at risk.

How painful is recovery from a mommy makeover?

Since mommy makeover is a transformative surgery, it’s normal to experience some discomfort as you recover. However, I utilize our Rapid Recovery protocol to accelerate healing and prescribe pain medications to keep you as comfortable as possible. Most patients describe their post-op pain level as “manageable” and find that they feel significantly better within a week or so after surgery.

How long after a mommy makeover can I exercise?

Mom and child doing yoga on a mat (MODELS)

Maintaining your svelte mommy makeover physique requires a healthy exercise routine, but it’s crucial to ease back into workouts gradually. I recommend you start walking on the day of surgery and progressively increase your distance as tolerated. Around 3 weeks post-op, you can typically resume light to moderate exercises. However, you must avoid engaging your core muscles, which are usually tightened with many sutures during the procedure. More intense lifting and exercises should be postponed until approximately 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, allowing the muscle repair to gain adequate tensile strength.

What to wear after a mommy makeover?

Opt for loose-fitting, soft clothing over your compression garments to enhance comfort during recovery. Choose items with buttons, zippers, or easy closures for effortless removal. As you heal, gradually return to your regular wardrobe—or elevate your style to highlight your stunning new shape.

How can I make my mommy makeover recovery easier?

You can ease and accelerate your recovery by diligently adhering to our aftercare protocol, protecting your incisions from strain and sun exposure, and, most importantly, giving your body the time it needs to heal. Some initial rest and patience will pay off for years to come as you enjoy your new contours. Our related blog post contains other helpful mommy makeover recovery tips.

When will I see my results?

You will notice immediate changes in your body after a mommy makeover, but achieving your full mommy makeover results takes patience and some time. Patients noticed an improved breast and body contour right away after surgery. It usually takes 3 to 6 months for all of the post-op swelling to resolve and scars to reach full maturity. Remember that although everyone’s healing process differs, following your aftercare instructions is well worth your time and effort. Maintaining a stable weight and a healthy, active lifestyle helps preserve your mommy makeover results.

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Will I have mommy makeover scars?

Scarring is an inevitable part of any surgery, but I use advanced techniques and our Rapid Recovery protocol to conceal and minimize their appearance. Initially, your scars will typically appear somewhat red, raised, and firm, but over time will gradually fade and become soft, flesh-colored, and flat, especially if you use a medical-grade scar cream, as we recommend. The good news is that most mommy makeover scars—including breast augmentation, breast lift, and tummy tuck scars—are easily concealed by underwear and swimwear.

If you’re ready to reclaim your pre-baby body and self-confidence with a personalized mommy makeover in New Jersey, I encourage you to request a consultation with me using the online form. You can also call our practice at (201) 967-1212 to schedule an appointment.

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