Male Breast Reduction- New Jersey Patient, Cole, Finally gets the Body he’s Worked For

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Cole is a 43 year old professional who’s married with 3 kids.  In 1988, Cole lost over 100 lbs. through diet and exercise but still had what’s commonly known as “man boobs”.  Cole suffered from a very common condition called gynecomastia or enlarged male breasts.

“I felt this was self-inflicted.  Something I had done to myself from all the weight I gained.  I thought if I just worked out harder or differently I could get rid of it.  It took me a long time to realize that I couldn’t.  I finally realized that surgery might be the only way,” said Cole.

Although Cole had thought about having surgery done for a very long time, and had done a lot of research, he decided to wait until technology made the procedure less invasive.  He really started his research and investigating about two or three years ago.

Male Breast Reduction New Jersey ImageCole found Dr. Parker through a friend who had some work done on his eyes at The Parker Center and from his research on the internet.  Cole wanted someone who had a lot of experience working with men.  Over the last few years Cole had seen 3 or 4 other surgeons, but never felt quite right about the surgeons.

“Other doctors were very cold, and they seemed more intent on collecting my deposit.  That wasn’t for me.  Dr. Parker is very genuine, very warm and real.  He has no arrogance about his demeanor.  He explained the procedure in detail—I would need liposuction to remove the unwanted fatty tissues from my breast. I felt right at home with him,” said Cole.

Dr. Parker was very honest and upfront with Cole and let him know that at age 43, the skin might not bounce back as well as a 21-year old.  Cole might require some additional tightening through a second procedure. Cole felt the whole experience was very positive, from the first phone call until his last appointment just last week.

It was important to Cole to feel just as good in clothes as out of them.  He loves that he can wear tight fitting workout shirts and is comfortable wearing sweaters to work as well as going shirtless to the beach or out on the boat.

Male Breast Reduction New Jersey Image“I’m thrilled to death.  Dr. Parker exceeded my expectations.  My chest is flat, finally. I’m in the gym six days a week and would have never been able to accomplish this.  I’m so comfortable in my own skin now, for the first time in a very long time.  The difference is amazing,” said Cole. He and Dr. Parker agree that his skin has responded nicely to the procedure and a second tightening surgery seems very unlikely at this point.

Gynecomastia correction is done by removing the excess fat deposits with and glandular tissue as necessary with liposuction to achieve a flatter, firmer more contoured chest.  Dr. Parker and staff of The Parker Center have helped dozens of male breast reduction New Jersey patients regain their self- confidence and increase their self-esteem.

Call us today at 201-967-1212 for a consultation to see how we can help you with male breast reduction surgery. New Jersey potential patients can visit us at for more information.

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