New Jersey Breast Augmentation Patient, Nicole, Nixes Nicotine and Regains Her Figure

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

“Who wants to be 28 years old and have breasts like an 8 year old?” asked Nicole when discussing her New Jersey breast augmentation.

This good question led Nicole, a mother of three, to Parker Surgery Center and New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul Parker.  Breast augmentation surgery was something she had been thinking about for a long time.  After the birth of each of her children, Nicole found her breasts getting smaller and smaller.  Prior to childbirth, she had been a “B” cup but after three pregnancies, she couldn’t even fill an “A” cup.

Nicole’s husband was unenthusiastic about Nicole having breast augmentation surgery and thought she looked fine.  Finally, after she kept talking about it, he said, “I’ll make you a deal, if you quit smoking, you can have the surgery.”  Nicole had quit during her pregnancies but always went back to smoking.

“I quit that day, on the spot and I’ve never looked back,” said Nicole.  It was the motivation she needed to quit and she started looking into having the breast augmentation surgery.  “I never wanted be huge, I just wanted them to look like what they should have,” says Nicole.

When investigating having surgery, Nicole set up consultations with three other plastic surgeons.  Dr. Parker was her first appointment and after meeting him and his staff, she and her husband immediately felt comfortable and secure in choosing the Parker Center for her breast augmentation.

“I had done my homework before the appointment and researched him and I was happy with what I saw in writing.  When I was there, I just said oh my God, I want to just do it.  I cancelled all my other consultations and I have no regrets about that.  I love him and everyone in that office.  I tortured them with questions and they were always so nice to me,” said Nicole.

“My self-confidence is now sky-high.  My friends say I stand up straighter.  I walk differently.  I love to get dressed up and putting on a bathing suit is no longer a nightmare,” says Nicole.

Nicole had her New Jersey plastic surgery in July 2009 and really enjoyed bathing suit shopping this year. She loves her new breasts and is very happy that she had the surgery. She loves the way she looks in the mirror and in clothing.

Nicole has The Parker Center’s phone number saved in her cell phone and gives it out regularly.  She says that anyone considering a breast augmentation needs to meet with Dr. Parker.

For more information about a New Jersey breast augmentation or any other cosmetic procedure visit us at

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