At 31, Gianny decided it was time to do something about her large sagging breasts. She made appointments with several plastic surgeons in NJ and was all set for her three consultations. But, in an unexpected twist of fate, Darlene walked in to the dentist office where Gianny works and shared her very recent experience at The Parker Center.
In fact, Darlene had a breast augmentation just the day before. “You would never know she had just had surgery,” said Gianny. “And she couldn’t say enough about how great Dr. Parker was, how great she felt and how wonderful the experience was. She really sold him to me.”
Darlene’s story was so compelling, Gianny called The Parker Center the very next day. “Just from the phone call, I knew this was the place for me,” she says. “Along with Darlene’s story and the feeling I got from the phone conversation, I went ahead and canceled the three other consultations I had.”
Because Gianny works in a doctor’s office, she understands the power of referrals and that is what she prefers when looking for medical care. “I’d rather go by referrals because there is no better measure of a doctor than what others think and their experiences.”
The consultation confirmed that New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Parker, was the right surgeon for her. “He was very professional and caring,” she says. “And, he makes you feel comfortable in what is a very uncomfortable situation for many.”
While they discussed her New Jersey breast lift, he recommended that she would need a reduction to get the results she wanted. When Gianny mentioned the fat under her chin and possible liposuction to correct it, he told her to give it time and that it should go away with diet and exercise.
“He was very honest about what I did and did not need and I appreciated that,” she says. “Another surgeon might have just gone ahead and done the liposuction too.”
While there were some differences in their experiences because they had different procedures, Gianny’s New Jersey breast lift and reduction met and exceeded her expectations. “I knew it was going to look good, but not this good!”
And she is passing her story along to others as well. Her mom will be visiting Dr. Parker in the future to have some work done as well.
“Dr. Parker is awesome,” she says. “The whole experience was wonderful!”
Oh, and Gianny ran into Darlene a few weeks after her procedure and Darlene is still singing Dr. Parker’s praises. There is really nothing better than a referral!
For more information on Dr. Parker’s breast lift and reduction procedure and to view before and after pictures, visit our Website at To schedule a consultation with Dr. Parker, call us at (201) 967-1212.
New Jersey Breast Lift Patient Perfect Example of the Power of the Referral

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