Parker Center for Plastic Surgery Blog

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

New Jersey Plastic Surgery News: The Parker Center Offers a Twist on the Old Tummy Tuck with Extraordinary Results

In 2007, New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul M. Parker introduced a new tummy tuck technique called lipoabdominoplasty to his patients. At a conference in Florida several weeks earlier, one plastic surgeon from Brazil and one from France demonstrated their variations of this innovative technique. Dr. Parker combined what he liked from each technique to …

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Bergen County Plastic Surgeon Addresses Concern: Are Vitamins and Supplements Dangerous Before Bergen County Plastic Surgery?

While our Bergen County plastic surgery practice believes in the use of vitamins and supplements to promote healing after surgery (namely Bromelain and Arnica), a new report issued by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) suggests that not all vitamins and supplements are safe to take before surgical procedures. Specifically, the vitamins and …
