This month’s Featured Patient demonstrates the correction of inverted nipples. We see an increasing number of patients bothered by this problem. It can occur at birth or later in life. An inverted nipple occurs when a portion of the nipple or the entire nipple is buried under the areolar surface. This can lead to problems with nursing, poor hygiene, and psychological concerns because of its abnormal appearance. The problem is usually due to weakened ducts beneath the nipple and thickened fibrous bands, or thickened tissues at the base of the nipple. Both of these cause the nipple to retract below skin level.
Non-surgical treatment of inverted nipples, such as coaxing the nipple with ice, stimulation, rolling or a plastic breast shell can provide temporary correction of the problem for breast feeding. Dr. Parker provides a long-lasting solution to the problem with relatively a simple, 20 minute, minimally invasive, scarless in-office procedure. This is performed under local anesthesia to release the constricting bands and correct the problem. Recovery afterwards is usually quick and painless. The success rate is very high.
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