Who is a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty?

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

One of the most common reasons people feel self-conscious about their appearance is an overly large or mis-shaped nose that detracts from other attractive features. Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to improve the size and shape of the nose as well as improve facial harmony.

Common Reasons for a Rhinoplasty

When patients come to see us for a consultation regarding their nose, I will ask them while looking in the mirror to tell me and show me specifically what they don’t like. The most common responses I get are the following:

  • My nose is crooked
  • I don’t like the bump on my nose
  • The tip of my nose is too round or bulbous–it has no definition
  • The tip of my nose is asymmetric
  • My nose is too wide
  • My nose is too long
  • My nose is too large for my face
  • My nose sticks out from my face too much—over-projects
  • My nose doesn’t fit my face
  • The tip of my nose droops when I smile
  • I can’t breathe

These problems can all be fixed and I have done so with many, many patients over the years.


Rhinoplasty Before Photos

Case: 1 of 9

This 15 year old requested improvement in the appearance of her nose. She said she would like her hump reduced, tip more refined and lifted with a more aquiline profile. At surgery, Dr. Parker performed an open rhinoplasty: he lowered the patient's dorsal hump with a component bony-cartilaginous reduction, then infractures to appropriately na... Read More
Rhinoplasty Case 1431 Before & After Profile view | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 34 year old patient requested that Dr. Parker improve the appearance of her nose. Specifically, she was bothered by her dorsal “hump” and “broad tip”. During the patient’s consultation, Dr. Parker discussed how he could perform an open rhinoplasty to improve the appearance of the patient’s nose. He also tactfully suggested that inserting... Read More
Rhinoplasty Case 161 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 35 year old requested Dr. Parker to reduce her dorsal nasal hump, refine her bulbous nasal tip and give her a stronger chin. Dr. Parker reviewed these concerns with the patient during her initial consultation and discussed an open rhinoplasty as well as chin augmentation to address them. Computer imaging was then used to show the&nb... Read More
Chin Implants Case 1411 Before & After Side view | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 35 year old, referred to Dr. Parker by another patient, requested improvement in the appearance of her nose. She did not like her dorsal hump, bulbous tip and wide base of her nose. Dr. Parker performed an open rhinoplasty during which he reduced the bony cartilaginous hump, performed infractures to appropriately narrow the upper portion... Read More
Rhinoplasty Case 172 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 32 year old had 3 prior rhinoplasties elsewhere and requested Dr. Parker to improve the appearance of her nose. Specifically, the patient desired a sleeker profile and more defined nasal tip. She also requested a chin implant to make her chin somewhat more prominent and create better balance with her nose. Using an open rhinoplasty techn... Read More
Chin Implants Case 125 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 24 year old patient asked Dr. Parker to improve the dorsal hump on her nose, which she has never liked . During the patient's consultation, Dr. Parker discussed a closed rhinoplasty to reduce the hump as well as insertion of a silicone chin implant to provide better balance between her nose and chin. Several weeks later, Dr. Parker perfo... Read More
Rhinoplasty Case 124 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 25 year old referred by another patient to Dr. Parker requested improvement in the appearance of her nose and chin. She said she was struck in the nose several times when younger but never had any xrays. She is bothered by her crooked nose and tip pointing downward; she has seen several other consultants who discussed a stronger chin wit... Read More
Rhinoplasty Case 1416 Before & After Side view | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 27 year old was referred to Dr. Parker by another patient asking for correction of her crooked nose, dorsal hump, bulbous tip and wide nostrils. Dr. Parker performed an open rhinoplasty, straightening her crooked nose, taking down the bony cartilaginous hump, infractures to appropriately narrow this part of the nose, a tiplasty to refine... Read More
Rhinoplasty Case 205 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

What to Expect During your Rhinoplasty Consultation

After hearing from the patient about their concerns, we will want to learn more from them. We ask questions and will talk further to be sure they are in good physical health, have not serious medical conditions which would contraindicate surgery or anesthesia. I will want to be sure the patient themselves wants the surgery and is not doing this to please someone else.

I will then perform a careful physical examination to carefully evaluate the anatomic structure of their nose, inside and out.

Next, I will discuss a treatment plan with the patient regarding options to accomplish their goals. As I speak, I will have them look into a hand held mirror while I explain what can be done. I will supplement this discussion using a schematic of the nose and point out the underlying bone and cartilage that will be sculpted.

Stacie showing a patient their computer image

We will then review computer imaging of the patient’s nose showing them what their nose should look like after surgery. We have done this for many years and have a high correlation rate with what we accomplish in surgery. I will explain our goal is to improve upon the appearance and function of their nose, making them look natural as if they have not had surgery. After surgery, patients will tell us all the time, that no one knows they had a rhinoplasty. We take that as a real compliment!

We will also discuss our Rapid Recovery program and our goal to have the patient recover from surgery as seamlessly and quickly as possible.

Finally, we will also discuss potential risks and complications. I want to be sure that the patient has realistic expectations for what the procedure can accomplish, understands the limitations of surgery and understands what recovery after surgery entails.

I love the artistic and technical challenge as well as the satisfaction of a well-performed rhinoplasty. I also love seeing how life-changing and confidence-boosting the procedure can be on our patients.

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