Who is a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Good candidates for a tummy tuck (also called an abdominoplasty or lipoabdominoplasty if liposuction of the abdomen is performed at the same time) will often have the following. The patient will often have loose skin and excess fat in the abdomen. Often, they will have weak and/ or separated rectus abdominus muscles (called “diastasis recti”). These things will tend to occur after significant weight gain, then loss and/ or after pregnancy as well as part of the aging process.

A tummy tuck can be a good solution for these concerns. The patient should be in good health, at a stable weight that they can maintain going forward and lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain good long-term results after surgery. In addition, there shouldn’t be any future planned pregnancies as these can undo to varying extents what is achieved with a tummy tuck.

What to Expect During A Tummy Tuck

No matter what the cause, when diet and exercise alone fail to address these concerns, an abdominoplasty can provide the necessary contouring and tightening. A tummy tuck procedure is commonly performed under general anesthesia, administered by an anesthesiologist. During the procedure, liposuction of the excess abdominal fat (if present) is performed along with liposuction of the hips and back (often called “lipo 360”). The fat removed from these areas can then be purified at the same time, then injected into the buttocks to give rounder, fuller buttocks (often referred to as “BBL“).

A low-lying incision is made in the pubic area and extends outward just above the groin creases to the hip bones, its length depending on how much loose skin is present. The skin is lifted up from the underlying muscles by the surgeon, like lifting a sheet off a mattress, exposing the paired rectus abdominus muscles. These weak and/or separated rectus abdominus muscles are sewn together with stitches which extend from the breast bone to the pubic bone, tightening the muscles and creating a strong muscle foundation. The loose skin is then cut off and removed. The incision closed with multiple layers of absorbable sutures to hopefully yield a very acceptable, well-concealed, low-lying scar. Depending on the individual patient and preferences of the surgeon, one or two surgical drains may be inserted for several days.

An abdominoplasty and the ancillary procedures often performed with it provide a number of benefits to the patient. Repairing and tightening the rectus abdominus muscles will restore their strength and stability as well as creating a more defined waistline. Removing the loose skin from the abdomen, the unwanted fat from the areas treated with liposuction as well as fat injections to the buttocks will re-shape your abdomen, hips, back and buttocks. These changes will accentuate your body’s natural curves and contours as well as give you the confidence you deserve.


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Tummy Tuck Case 1381 Before & After Left Side | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
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Tummy Tuck Case 1381 Before & After Front | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
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Tummy Tuck Case 1381 Before & After Back | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
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This 35-year-old patient requested improvement of her abdomen, hips, and buttocks after having had 4 children. She is 4’11” tall and weighs 118 pounds. At the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Parker discussed treatment options and they agreed upon the following: a tummy tuck to address her abdomen, liposuction of her hips and fat injections to her buttocks to give her a modest enhancement. During the same surgical procedure, Dr Parker performed the following: his version of a lipoabdominoplasty, otherwise known as a Parker Tummy Tuck, SAFE liposuction of the patient’s hips, removing 550 cc of fat from each hip, and fat injections or BBL to her buttocks, injecting 430 cc of fat into each buttock. The patient recovered well after surgery and is very pleased with the improved contours of these areas.

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