An attractive neck is perceived as very desirable by women and men alike in New Jersey and beyond. In its ideal form, an aesthetically pleasing female neck is graceful: a long, slender “swan’s” neck with a smooth skin surface and a well-defined jawline and chin. This appearance connotes youth, beauty, and femininity. Fashion designers understand the significance of a beautiful female neck and help draw attention to its appealing contour with their jewelry and clothing.
Dr. Parker performs neck contouring in Paramus, NJ, to help his patients, who visit from Ridgewood, Hackensack, Mahwah, Somerset, and throughout Bergen County, North New Jersey, and surrounding areas, appear rejuvenated while still looking natural.
This 58 year old was referred to Dr. Parker by another patient asking him to improve the fullness and contour of her neck. The patient said she was fine with her face and really only wanted her neck addressed. Dr. Parker, after reviewing options with the patient, performed a full neck lift. In doing so, he removed excess subcutaneous fat with... Read More
This 58 year old patient was referred to Dr Parker by another patient and requested improvement in the appearance of her neck. She had undergone a neck lift 15 years ago elsewhere and said she never liked those results – she said that her skin is too crepey and the contour irregular. Dr Parker then performed a secondary neck lift, during whic... Read More
This 27 year old requested improvement in the fullness of her neck. She says this has been present for many years despite her weight having always been under good control. During the patient’s consultation with Dr. Parker, options for treatment were discussed. She asked Dr. Parker to perform liposuction on her neck which he subsequently did u... Read More
This 34 year old patient was bothered by the “fullness” of her neck which had developed in recent years. During the patient’s consultation, Dr. Parker explained that her relative excess subcutaneous tissue in her neck along with her excellent skin elasticity made her a good candidate for liposuction. The would allow him to remove the unwanted... Read More
This 39 year old was referred to Dr. Parker by another patient, requesting improvement in the fullness of her neck and her weak chin. She says these are family traits. The patient is 5’5″ tall and weighs 127 pounds. During the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Parker explained that the fullness in her neck was due to relatively excessive su... Read More
This 48 year old woman came to Dr. Parker requesting liposuction of her neck. She felt that her inherited sagging neck trait had been getting worse in recent years. The patient’s weight is stable. Dr. Parker reviewed treatment options with the patient and her husband. He recommended against liposuction of the patient’s neck due to poor skin t... Read More
This 24 year old patient requested improvement in the contour of her neck, which has been full as long as she can remember. She said her mother has the same issue. During the patient's consultation, Dr. Parker reviewed options with her. He explained that patients like her with long standing fullness in their neck, along with a family history... Read More
This 29 year old requested liposuction of her neck several months prior to her wedding. Dr. Parker explained that her excess subcutaneous tissue in her neck was the reason for her neck fullness. That along with her excellent skin elasticity made her a good candidate for liposuction alone. Subsequently under local anesthesia, Dr. Parker perfor... Read More
As we age, our skin loses collagen and elastin, which causes the skin to loosen. Not all patients’ necks have the same shape, nor do their necks age at the same rate or in the same way. Depending on genetics and other factors, such as weight gain, patients can develop fullness under the chin (a “double chin”). The aging process also causes the platysma muscles to lose their structural support over time. People often say they have developed a “turkey neck” to describe such changes.
Dr. Parker’s approach is individualized to each patient to optimize the result of neck contouring. During your consultation, Dr. Parker will listen to your concerns, evaluate the skin and support structures of your face and neck, and discuss the options you have to improve the shape and appearance of your neck.
I have been a patient for the past 15 years Dr. Parker is a gifted surgeon. And his staff is top notch. I had a face and neck lift 7 weeks ago and I’m beyond thrilled. Thank you Dr. Parker!”
-Face and Neck Lift Patient
Our Experienced surgeon
Dr. Paul M. Parker
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Paul M. Parker combines an unwavering dedication to patient satisfaction with surgical expertise to create aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking results.
The most common procedures that fall under the umbrella of neck contouring are neck liposuction and “neck lift” surgery. Dr. Parker will help you determine the best approach for you at your consultation. Typically, neck liposuction is excellent for younger patients who have excess fat under the chin but good skin elasticity. A Full Neck Lift surgery is often the best approach for patients with excess fat, loose, hanging skin and muscle laxity. Patients with a long-standing history of a full neck and good skin elasticity as well as other family members also with a full neck may be candidates for a Minimal Incision Neck lift along with liposuction.
Can You Tighten the Neck Without Surgery?
Before & After: FaceTite at Parker Center
45 year old patient before and after Facetite radiofrequency skin tightening of her neck skin performed under local anesthesia.
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While surgical lifting and fat removal continue to be the most effective options for addressing severely sagging neck tissues and providing a dramatic improvement, we now have access to incredible non-surgical tightening technologies that are a great option for many patients.
FaceTite is a radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis technology that can be used for targeted tightening of mild to moderate neck sagging and reduction of small areas of fat. By boosting collagen production, remodeling deep tissues, reducing fat, and causing the skin to contract and tighten, FaceTite can delay the need for surgical intervention in patients who aren’t quite ready for liposuction or a neck lift. Patients love that FaceTite is an in-office procedure with minimal downtime, barely noticeable scarring, and dramatic improvements after just one treatment. Learn more about FaceTite.
Morpheus8 RF microneedling can be used to address mild to moderate jowls, tighten skin on the neck, and provide a dramatically smoother and firmer skin texture for a naturally youthful look. Morpheus8 is a fantastic option for patients who are specifically concerned by more extensive skin laxity alone (not fat deposits). Learn more about Morpheus8.
Neck Liposuction removes excess fat to sculpt a more refined jawline
Liposuction allows Dr. Parker to remove fat from the subcutaneous tissue layer of the neck and sculpt a more youthful, contoured neck and jaw line. You are a good candidate for liposuction of the neck if you have excess subcutaneous fat along with adequate skin and muscle tone. If your skin and/or muscle tone is lax, you will likely need a Full Neck Lift procedure. Dr. Parker can determine this at your consultation.
Before & After: Neck Contouring with SAFE Liposuction
This 34 year old patient was bothered by the “fullness” of her neck which had developed in recent years. Because the patient had good skin tone, Dr. Parker performed SAFE liposuction alone.
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This 34 year old patient was bothered by the “fullness” of her neck which had developed in recent years. Because the patient had good skin tone, Dr. Parker performed SAFE liposuction alone.
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Liposuction of the neck is one of the most popular liposuction procedures in cosmetic surgery today. If appropriate, it can be performed at the same time as other procedures, such as a facelift, blepharoplasty, or chin augmentation.
In performing liposuction, Dr. Parker makes a tiny, 3 mm incision hidden in the crease under the chin and behind each earlobe. The area to be sculpted is infiltrated with our “super wet” solution, a form of local anesthesia. A thin SAFE liposuction cannula is inserted through these tiny incisions to remove excess fat and sculpture an improved neck contour.
Liposuction of the neck takes about 30 minutes and is commonly performed by Dr. Parker under local anesthesia. Patients are discharged shortly after the procedure.
There is little pain, and sutures inserted to close the tiny access incisions dissolve by themselves. Swelling and bruising typically subside within 7 to 10 days. Camouflage make-up can be applied after one week. Patients may return to normal activities in 3 to 4 days and exercise in 10 to 14 days. Results are usually quite dramatic in shaping a more youthful, attractive neck.
A Minimal-Incision Neck Contouring with Liposuction removes excess deep neck fat as well as subcutaneous fat without needing any skin removal
In performing this procedure, Dr. Parker makes a small incision hidden in the crease behind the chin. Through this incision, he excises the excess subcutaneous fat sitting on top of the paired platysma muscles, then removes the excess deep neck fat beneath these muscles. He then uses multiple sutures to bring these paired muscles back together.
Next, using tiny, 3 mm incisions hidden behind each earlobe, Dr. Parker performs SAFE liposuction. He does this with a thin cannula, removing the excess subcutaneous fat in the outer neck, joining the central area of the neck he has treated through the small incision under the chin.
This allows him to sculpture the neck and jawline in patients who have this deep-seated fat. Because they have good skin elasticity, no skin is excised. The small incisions are closed with sutures.
The time for this surgery ranges from 1 ½ to 2 hours. It is most commonly performed under local anesthesia but can be performed under either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, if the patient so desires.
Patients are discharged shortly after surgery. Stitches are removed within one week. Swelling and bruising subside within 10 to 14 days. Camouflage make-up may be applied after one week. Patients may return to normal activities in 10 to 14 days and exercise beginning at two weeks.
Before & After: Short Scar Neck Lift
24 year old patient with a long-standing history of neck fullness as well as family members with the same problem. She is shown her before and after a Short Scar Neck Lift by Dr. Parker.
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24 year old patient with a long-standing history of neck fullness as well as family members with the same problem. She is shown her before and after a Short Scar Neck Lift by Dr. Parker.
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A Full Neck Lift removes excess skin & tightens sagging neck muscles
You will likely need a Full Neck Lift procedure if you have laxity of your neck skin and/ or platysma muscles. Atyour consultation, Dr. Parker will discuss the details of this procedure with you which commonly includes fat contouring, lifting and tightening the platysma muscles, skin re-draping, and skin removal.
Before & After: Neck Lift
52 year old patient before and after a Full Neck Lift by Dr. Parker.
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52 year old patient before and after a Full Neck Lift by Dr. Parker.
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In performing a Full Neck Lift, Dr. Parker makes a small incision in the crease just beneath the chin. He excises the excess subcutaneous fat sitting on top of the paired platysma muscles, then removes any excess deep neck fat beneath them and sutures these paired muscles back together with multiple sutures.
He then makes incisions tucked in the crease behind each ear to lift the skin in that area and join the area previously dissected under the chin.
Dr. Parker then lifts and tightens the outer edges of the platysma muscles on both sides of the neck using multiple sutures. This creates a “hammock” effect whereby the suspended platysma muscles create a long-lasting and natural shape to the neck.
Dr. Parker then re-drapes the neck skin over the underlying platysma muscle “hammock” and excises the excess skin through these same incisions behind the ears. These incisions are then closed with multiple dissolvable sutures so the scars typically heal well.
The time for surgery ranges from 2 to 3 hours, depending on the extent of skin and muscle laxity. Patients receive either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia administered by a board certified anesthesiologist. Patients are discharged within one to two hours after surgery. Initially, there is a feeling of tightness under the neck from the “hammock” effect. Stitches are removed within one week. Swelling and discoloration subside within 10 to 14 days. Camouflage make-up may be applied after one week. Patients may return to normal activities in 10 to 14 days and exercise beginning at two weeks.
Should I Have a Neck Lift With a Facelift?
Before & After: Neck Contouring*
This 68 year old was bothered by the aging of her face and neck. Dr. Parker performed a combined face and neck lift along with fat injections.
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This 68 year old was bothered by the aging of her face and neck. Dr. Parker performed a combined face and neck lift along with fat injections.
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Financing Surgery Makes Dreams Come True
We believe plastic surgery should be accessible to as many people as possible. That’s why we offer financing through lenders that specialize in setting up payment plans for elective cosmetic surgery. We can discuss financing during your consultation.
A facelift addresses the lower two thirds of the face and is often combined with a neck lift. During your consultation with Dr. Parker, he will evaluate your face and neck together, then discuss treatment options to address them with either a facelift, neck lift, or both.
Can Chin Implants Improve Neck Contouring Results?
Before & After: Neck Liposuction With Chin Augmentation*
This 39 year old had always been bothered by the fullness of her neck and her weak chin. Dr. Parker performed liposuction to contour the patient’s neck and then inserted a chin implant during the same surgery. Note the stronger chin and markedly improved neck contour following both of these procedures.
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Our Signature
Rapid Recovery Program
Our surgical procedures, anesthesia, medications, and aftercare are tailored to minimize post-operative discomfort and accelerate recuperation.
The results of neck contouring can be dramatically enhanced with a chin augmentation. In a patient with a weak chin undergoing liposuction of the neck, a neck lift, or both, Dr. Parker performs a chin augmentation. Using a ¾ inch incision hidden just beneath the chin, Dr. Parker places an extended, tapered silicone chin implant along the jaw. The implant is held in place with sutures and quickly adheres to the jawbone. It looks and feels just like a real chin. It creates a stronger, natural looking chin, which adds to the aesthetics of a cleaner jaw line in a neck contouring patient.
It takes about 40 minutes to perform a chin augmentation. Swelling and discoloration subside within several days. Patients can return to normal activities in three to four days and exercise in 10 to 14 days.
Your Neck Contouring Consultation & Imaging Session
Additionally, our imaging expert will help you see the possibilities with digital photo imaging or Vectra 3D imaging technology, depending on your interests. Patients who are comparing providers often tell us our consults are the most thorough and informative they’ve ever experienced!
One to two weeks before your scheduled Neck Lift, you will undergo a one-hour, in-office, face-to-face education session with one of Dr. Parker’s Nurse Educators. During this session, the nurse educator thoroughly reviews a detailed information packet to further educate you about your procedure. This includes a discussion of what to do to prepare for surgery, what occurs on the day of surgery, and what to expect after surgery during your recovery. It’s a detailed session that really educates our patients about the entire surgical process at the Parker Center. Patients tell us they love it because they feel so well-prepared for their surgery. Learn more about what to expect during your pre-op education session.
Rapid Recovery Neck Contouring
The Parker Center’s Rapid Recovery techniques used during and after your neck contouring procedure help you heal more rapidly and comfortably than what you might experience at another practice. This means less time off from work and a sooner return to your normal activities.
Dr. Parker’s Rapid Recovery protocol includes:
Short-acting anesthetic agents and anti-emetic medications to hasten the recovery from anesthesia
A tailored regimen of medications given before, during, and after surgery to minimize postoperative pain, swelling, and bruising
Three postoperative medical manual lymphatic drainage massages to reduce swelling and bruising as well as accelerate healing
The day after your neck contouring surgery, you can shower and resume light activities. We encourage you to move around briefly starting the first day to boost circulation.
There is usually very little postoperative pain. Patients may shower and shampoo their hair the day after surgery. We remove sutures within 10 days. Swelling and discoloration typically subside within 10 to 14 days.
What Is My Next Step?
To meet with Dr. Parker and his team in Paramus, New Jersey, and discuss your neck contouring options, request a cosmetic consultation using our online form or call
(201) 967-1212 for an appointment. We also offer cosmetic consults by phone or video with our nurse coordinator if you prefer to start with this option.
We believe plastic surgery should be accessible to as many people as possible. That's why we offer financing through lenders that specialize in setting up payment plans for elective cosmetic surgery. We can discuss financing during your consultation.
Results: Dr. Parker is known for remarkable results that may surpass your expectations