Male Chin Augmentation

A chin augmentation helps to refine the jawline and add balance to facial features. Using a custom-fit, biocompatible chin implant, Dr. Parker helps men in Paramus, Ridgewood, Hackensack, Mahwah, Somerset, and other Bergen County and North New Jersey communities add definition to a weak or receding chin.


Chin Implant Before Photos

Case: 1 of 8

This 41 year old, who came to Dr. Parker by word of mouth, asked to have his nose made to appear smaller. During the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Parker recommended an open rhinoplasty and chin augmentation. At surgery, Dr. Parker performed an open rhinoplasty which included dorsal hump reduction, sculpted a better proportioned and sha... Read More
Chin Implant Case 116 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 23 year old patient asked Dr Parker to improve his crooked nose, dorsal hump and profile, set back his over-projecting nasal tip and improve his  obstructed breathing on both sides. The patient and his father requested Dr. Parker maintain a strong male nose. After examining the patient, Dr. Parker discussed a proposed surgical plan... Read More
Rhinoplasty Case 1354 Before & After pre op  | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 20 year old patient complained that his chin was too weak. During the patient’s initial consultation with Dr. Parker, a chin implant was recommended to build out the chin. At surgery performed under local anesthesia, a #3 extended anatomic chin implant was inserted to build out the chin. Following surgery, the patient recovered quickly.... Read More
Chin Implant Case 1097 Before & After Right Side | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 42 year old Hispanic patient expressed concern to Dr. Parker about the large size of his nose and weakness of his chin. Noses such as this with thick skin, poor tip definition and excessive width are challenging for the surgeon to get a natural result. Dr. Parker performed an open rhinoplasty to give him optimal control in re shaping the... Read More
Rhinoplasty Case 139 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 68 year old was referred to Dr. Parker, and came in stating that he was unhappy with the appearance of his nose, noting that it was too long for his face. The patient recently had a dramatic improvement in his breathing after treatment by an allergist. This experience made him look at and think about his nose–he decided he really didn’t... Read More
Chin Implant Case 184 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 30 year old had a rhinoplasty performed one year ago elsewhere and now requested Dr. Parker to build out his weak chin for better facial balance. Dr. Parker inserted a large, #4 extended anatomic chin implant through a small submental incision. The patient healed quickly after surgery. He was very pleased with his appearance and gained s... Read More
Chin Implant Case 252 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 23 year old patient told Dr. Parker that his chin has always been weak and he wanted it to be made stronger. Dr. Parker subsequently performed chin augmentation, inserting a #4 extended anatomic chin implant through a small incision. The patient was pleased with his improved appearance and better facial harmony. Read More
Chin Implant Case 256 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

How Does a Chin Implant Change Your Face?

A “weak chin” can make an appropriately sized nose and other facial features stand out. It can also cause men to be very dissatisfied with their profile. The surgical insertion of a chin implant, called “chin augmentation,” can improve your profile by creating better facial balance.

There are many different sizes and shapes for the chin implant, so you can achieve the specific look you desire. Computer imaging can be used to assist you in making this important decision. The silicone material of the implant also looks and feels very similar to bone, so the result is a very natural looking, natural feeling and defined chin.

woman relaxing in robe

Financing Surgery Makes Dreams Come True

We believe plastic surgery should be accessible to as many people as possible. That’s why we offer financing through lenders that specialize in setting up payment plans for elective cosmetic surgery. We can discuss financing during your consultation.

Learn More About Financing Options

About Chin Augmentation

When performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, chin augmentation can be one of the most rewarding plastic surgery procedures for men. Men often report a significant increase in their self-confidence and enjoy looking more masculine.

Before & After: Chin Augmentation Alone*

Chin Augmentation for Men Before and After
Before and After
Patient before & after insertion of a chin implant to improve balance to his facial features.
Dr. Parker with a patient

Our Experienced surgeon

Dr. Paul M. Parker

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Paul M. Parker combines an unwavering dedication to patient satisfaction with surgical expertise to create aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking results.

Meet Dr. Parker

Credentials You Can Trust

Dr. Parkers credentials logos including Fellow Americna College of Surgeons, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Aesthetic Society, The Rhinoplasty Society, The Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation, Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons, New Jersey Society of Plastuc Surgeons, & The Plastic Surgery Foundation

Enhancing Chin Augmentation Results

Chin augmentation can be done by itself to build out a weak chin, or in conjunction with other procedures to balance the face. Rhinoplasty to improve the shape of the nose is one of the most popular procedures for men. Surgical procedures to improve the jaw and neckline, such as liposuction of the neck, face lift, or neck lift can further enhance the results of chin implant surgery for men. The following photos demonstrate how these procedures complement the results of chin augmentation.

Before & After: Chin Augmentation & Rhinoplasty*

Rhinoplasty New Jersey Image
Before and After
For this 42 year old patient, Dr. Parker performed an open rhinoplasty to narrow the nose along with a chin implant to build out the chin.

Before & After: Neck Contouring & Chin Augmentation*

Chin Augmentation for Men Before and After
Before and After
This patient chose to have chin augmentation in tandem with neck liposuction to create a stronger jawline.

Chin Implant Surgery

Chin Implant Diagram

Chin implant surgery takes about 20 minutes, and can be done under local anesthesia with sedation. Dr. Parker makes a ¾ inch incision, hidden just beneath the chin. The tissue is gently stretched until enough room is created for the implant, which will lie directly on the bone. Dr. Parker inserts a custom-selected silicone chin implant into the newly created space, directly on the jawbone. Finally, small sutures are used to close the incision.

Your Chin Augmentation Consultation & Imaging Session

Consultations at the Parker Center are special. Dr. Parker will spend extra time with you, ensuring that he understands your goals and that you are fully educated about each potential solution. Additionally, our imaging expert will help you see the possibilities with digital photo imaging to show you what you will look like after surgery. Patients who are comparing providers often tell us our consults are the most thorough and informative they’ve ever experienced!

Your Pre-Op Chin Augmentation Education Session 

One to two weeks before your scheduled chin augmentation, you will undergo a one-hour, in-office, face-to-face education session with one of Dr. Parker’s Nurse Educators. During this session, the nurse educator thoroughly reviews a detailed information packet to further educate you about your chin augmentation. This includes a discussion of what to do to prepare for surgery, what occurs on the day of surgery, and what to expect after surgery during your recovery. It’s a detailed session that really educates our patients about the entire surgical process at the Parker Center. Patients tell us they love it because they feel so well-prepared for their surgery. Learn more about what to expect during your pre-op education session.

female model

Our Signature

Rapid Recovery Program

Our surgical procedures, anesthesia, medications, and aftercare are tailored to minimize post-operative discomfort and accelerate recuperation.

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Our Rapid Recovery Program

Most of our male patients lead active lives and are anxious to return to their activities as soon as possible after surgery. With that in mind, we have tailored our surgical procedures, anesthesia, and medications, and developed our Rapid Recovery peri-operative program to optimize the recovery process. While everyone heals differently, most men are ready to return to work within 3-4 days after surgery and resume exercise in 1-2 weeks. There is little if any pain, and swelling and discoloration subside within several days

Sutures are removed within 5 days. For approximately 6 weeks, it is important to avoid activity that could jar or bump your chin. The scar tissue that forms around your implant is crucial to keeping it in place. It must remain undisturbed until you are fully healed.

Request a Chin Augmentation Consultation With Dr. Parker

If you’re considering chin augmentation and want to discuss your options with a board-certified plastic surgeon, request a consultation with Dr. Parker using the online form. He will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and explain the procedure with no pressure to make an immediate decision. You can also call us at (201) 967-1212 to schedule an appointment.


5 Reasons to Choose

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

We believe plastic surgery should be accessible to as many people as possible. That's why we offer financing through lenders that specialize in setting up payment plans for elective cosmetic surgery. We can discuss financing during your consultation.


Results: Dr. Parker is known for remarkable results that may surpass your expectations

Your Results

Safety: Our state-of-the-art, fully licensed, Medicare-accredited surgical center meets the highest standards of safety

Your Safety

Education: We give you all the information, empowering you to make informed decisions

Your Education

Rapid Recovery: Our protocol includes massage, medications, and advanced surgical techniques for reduced downtime

Your Rapid Recovery

Patient Experience: We create a positive, supportive environment in our beautiful, private facility

Your Atmosphere